Receive personal advice to make the most out of your journey at an upcoming CGX Camp.
“As a junior golfer, you feel like junior golf is the world, right? It’s what you base your identity on.” But when you get to college, “your arena changes, and all of a sudden college is really important.
“Then you look back at your junior golf days and think, you know what, if I made the most of every one of those junior golf days and focused on my development instead of comparing myself to peers or maybe comparing to a certain benchmark or ideal that I wished I was at, maybe I could have used those days more effectively.” These reflections underline the importance of maximizing every opportunity during your junior golf years.
“Then you get into the college ranks, you’re worked up about maybe being an All-American, preparing for professional golf, turning professional, and then you look back on your college days and think, man, I was so worked up about college. I wish that I would have just made the most of every single day.” The same principle applies at every stage—focus on what you can control and enjoy the journey.
“My best advice is that when you’re in junior golf, focus on development, focus on growth. As you transition to college golf, I’d encourage you guys to do the same too.” Growth and development remain the cornerstones of long-term success in golf.
“My best advice is that when you’re in junior golf, focus on development, focus on growth.” – Ruben Sondjaja, Men’s Assistant Coach, Illinois
“Sometimes I think we make things bigger than what they actually are. You attach yourself to the outcomes far too greatly. Detach from outcome and just focus on what makes you play good golf.” This perspective helps players stay grounded and perform at their best without undue pressure.
“Trust the process and let the process work itself out.” Whether in junior or college golf, this advice is a timeless reminder to embrace the journey and stay committed to improvement.